Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday's Blog 7/24/14

My attempt at uploading my video to my blog. So far not working! :( Maybe it will work when I publish my post. Stay tuned.... If you are reading this I guess you'll know if it worked!
Really fun to play with iMovie today. That's one of those things I've been scared of, but wanted to try. I've seen what is possible, but what little I've tried has just overwhelmed me.

Lots of possibilities at home and school, but this is one of those things I have to keep doing or I'll forget it. Challenge will be to build 3 or 4 movies and see if I can get some muscle memory going with both iMovie and Garage Band.


  1. Just voted you "Most Improved" on this team. Your video's amazing considering you were pretty frustrated with it initially. Great job!

  2. Great job on uploading the video! You will have to teach me how to do that!!!

  3. Thank you for imbedding the video, now I know that this is possible. I tried importing my video yesterday, but I think the file was too large for it to work. I like you blog background....view from 30, 000ft.

  4. Okay... did you find the twinkie minions on pinterest? Totally cute!
    Where there is a will there is a way! I'm so glad you pioneered getting the video on your blog! I will not give up! I was able to embed a youtube video in my blog, so that was cool!
