Friday, July 25, 2014

Last Day! :(
I don't often hate to see a class end!


Doug's Presentation:
Boyer's Meandering Thoughts
video: broken escalator - good one to show when you want to get a group unstuck
Slide show: a cool app to go and look at different presentations and get inspired
Book: Creating Innovators - Tony Wagner

Celina's Presentation:
Communication & Evaluations
Used the creative commons graphics - Googled it - great resource
Built a presentation to clearly put out there the goals and hopes for the evaluation process to her teachers.
There is an app to capture just the meaty portion of a video (Seth couldn't think of the name)

Angela's Presentation:
Brain Rules - John Medina(she read the book) - purpose of pres. was to explore new tools for presentation & share the 12 rules for Brain Rules

Carl's Presentation:
OMG - Where Have I Been?  A short PP do use with his staff to inspire technology use
"Learning to Change, Changing to Learn"
"Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear" - Anthony Robbins

Breck's Presentation:
Light at the End of the Tunnel - seeing the light technology can bring
Project - Creating a website for her Spanish class

Doug helped me solve the population of data problem and using a screen shot to capture the finished form after an observation and put it in an email.
An idea to post videos, pics, audio to a Google + site and invite everyone.

Annie's Presentation:
Visions of Grandeur: Finishing her webpage for school
Adding a Principal's Blog to the webpage - for her first blog, she did a history of her type of post. Lots of visuals (college icons, different schools she's worked at, etc...)

Michael's Presentation:
Communication Tools: Or how I spent my summer vacation
Technology is a vehicle to great pedagogy - inquiry education - tech just works great for this.
Use tech. to do things better, if not, drop it. Told the story of his dad with the paper calendar and a bunch of techies on their blackberries and no one can get to their calendar.
2 min rule idea - if you can't get an answer using tech in two min, switch mediums.
Google + - could work good for a PD follow up, staff support and group project management
Bad about Google + - cannot organize documents/files, "Pinterest" style format, social community, cannot directly upload docs
Photobooth - way to communicate - simple/quick and can attach to emails - Good: quick and no word smithing, quick follow up, quick communication of ideas. Bad: only short videos, no archiving
Go To Meeting - not worth it
Blog as an achive - multiple steps to upload, no direct upload of documents
Evernote - all in one collection system, multiplatform, collabortive ( not as good as Google +)
Websites of note: - a little bit of everything - lots of teachers are on this -  internet movie data base - all movie, TV, music critic all in one place - web design templates that are slicker than Google, better for personal blogs

Robyn's Presentation:
Her journey this week to create tools for her job as a Student Manager
Updating the way they do referrals. Robyn used quicktime to record herself as she filled out the old form. She gives the step by step. Then she developed a Google form for the new referral form. She ran into pitfalls using the google form. She discovered she could put the admin. comments on the spreadsheet, but it doesn't give you everything you need. Can't print the form for parents. She won't know when teachers do the form without getting an email (doable). Teachers can't save for their personal file.
She checked out class dojo for tracking behavior. kids can see how they're doing and parents too.

Seth's Presentation:
Explained his theory on increasing inquiry based learning.
Using Edmodo to create must do and may do lists for kids to access. Lots of built in differentiation. He'll have more time to meet with small groups of kids this way. He can create lots of links for kids to access depending on their reading level. Videos for all to access.

Yolanda's Presentation:
School website improvements

Bonnie's Presentation:
Blog for students who are using online schools for PE activities

Wow! What a great bunch of presentations! Fun to be with such a dynamic bunch of educators all week! Thanks everyone!

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